Michele Prandina currently at Sketchin

UX Engineer

(User Experience Engineer - The role who partners with Designers to define and deliver new features, test new concepts and assist with final implementation. Google)

Hi! 👋🏻
I'm both an Interaction Designer and a Front-End Developer, always keeping in mind SEO and Usability. I love all technology, from DB, to BE and FE, including Blockchain, VR, AR and AI. My goal is to make products and services that can be useful and deliver a great User Experience. ❤️

Looking for collaborations?

Contact me

I like to work on different projects and I'm always curios about new technology, so give me a shot! In the past I founded a startup, worked as a freelancer and as an entrepreneur.

Now I'm currently in one of the best European Design Studio, based in 🇨🇭 and 🇮🇹

You can find me here: